"They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people." (NIV) (Acts 2:46-47)
Mission Statement
To encourage relationships and sharing among our church family, attenders, and guests by preparing fellowship meals.
The Skybridge Community Church Hospitality Ministry is blessed to have a committed team who continues with excellence to provide delicious and nutritious snacks every Sunday, provide food requirements for all scheduled Church activities and an immaculate clean up afterwards. Just as the kitchen is the heart of many homes, in many ways the church's hospitality team is the heart of the church. Serving in the Hospitality Ministry brings with it unexpected rewards. It offers the opportunity to build closer relationships with the church community that spans all age groups and interests. Men and women working together in the church kitchen produce a unique, informal Christian environment where one can display his/her special talents while serving God.