In December of 2011 we met in our home with a group of like minded believers who were also seeking a new church family. We all prayed and sang out the old year and preached in the new year in the family room of our home. From that point on we began to meet each Sunday morning in our home with about 12-14 people in our home. As the number of people increased we began to set out more chairs until we were spilling over into the kitchen and dining room. People continued to come and soon we sought out a place that would seat the growing congregation. Now, we meet each week in the Northwoods Ice and Golf Center of San Antonio. To my surprise, it was an indoor soccer field remenicient of the Billy Graham crusades. I felt an instant attraction to the location. We have now added a weekly Bible Study and youth/children ministries, as well as men and women's fellowship ministries, and an active commitment to local missions in the San Antonio community. Skybridge now has a multi-racial, congregation of about 80 members and regular attendees. We invite you to join us in praise to the Lord for His excellent work.
All to the praise of His glorious grace!
Pastor Russell Howelton
Skybridge Community Church